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Life's too short for shit coffee!
And on the second day, god said, “deco can haz steak”
Will. Burn.. In hell
Hell-ooooooooowwwwwww BBQ season
Much wow… Just discovering instagram’s video feature
Starting with the classics… Super Mario kart
Uh wow….
Pain in the hoop
Home of the 6 nations champions
And then there were two…. Recession officially over!!!
Even the Batista is sad to see him go…
Over 2 years playing work lotto.. I thing I’ve just made half back..
Sat night out
New building flying up… Literally
Roll n rugBQ
Partial double rainbow
Sunday morning erection
Friday night lights….
Signs of spring #nofilters
Time to see if an Austrian rye whiskey is any good at killing a cold…
Head cold killer
Getting there
Master plan to be the arabica king of ballsbridge start now…
Looks like Godzilla took a bite out of the building
Bye bye
Another building biting the bullet?
Preparation for arkle’s homecoming
Time to start growing and roasting my own….
I feel the urge to have a compost bin close to my desk to test if this is indeed compostable
Left over turkey and blackbean sauce
Who yo prehistoric daddy…
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