North Korea has nothing on us and our display of military powers

My coffee journey through Dublin continues

Hmmm thinking about starting a good Friday coffee shop crawl

Tis a good Friday now that I got my coffee fix in

Current status!!!

As much as I love carrying around the dslr some days I just need something better than the phone

Finally. Our responsive site is now the main www site.

Some of blackrocks finest to start the day

A day for drinking on the canal

Summer is coming !! #sunriseinleopardstown

#3 and his favourite uncle

It’s my christening and I’ll stick out my tongue if I want too…

My family only want me for my camera!. Off to nephews #3s christening

Coffee, cheese and house of cards. That’s me sorted for the evening

Getting my cook on. Workday lunches for the next few days sorted.

At this rate it’ll be 2020 before I see any coffee beans growing on my plant

Breakfast of champions

New brews to try out…

Such pretty first thing in the morning… If you haven’t copped by now, I enjoy coffee!

Bath time for Greta. Worst part of Spring is the reappearance of the birds that like to shit on cars

Feel like a wino necking from that bottle

If only phone cameras could truly capture what I saw… Was a nice sunset

Hanging out with nephew no 3

Salty chilli squid..

Hashtag: rude not too…

Sunday morning coffee… #icantgotoblackrockwithoutgoingthere

Turns out I’m good at dices

Totes posh Friday evening… As one does…

What can possible go wrong….

Birthday pintage..